Yesterday, St Monicah's were able to have a little party with a grand selection of food and drink, sponsored by Ixworth Primary school.

Below are a few pictures from there day . . . .

How fast time flies! It is now 12 weeks since Josh, Davis and I were in kenya. I know this because Josh's sister Meg has just come back after being there for three months. She came out with us when we went! So much has taken shape at the school over the last few months as you know. We have the sponsorship scheme in place, we have finished off some classrooms and made repairs to others.

More exciting developments have taken place this week. We have finally managed to negotiate a vehicle for the school. It had been such a great need for the school. Firewood, food and stationary all needed to be collected each week and this makes it so much easier. Also some children that live far away can be taken home after school when the rainy season is in full flow rather than getting soaked! We are so pleased to have a vehicle.

Also, this morning i went into Ixworth Primary School. Ixworth have really taken on the project and are doing so many fantastic things to raise funds. From a recent event, over £130 was raised. With this the school have asked if they can get some more skipping ropes, a hammer (which they have never had!) and the rest is going to be spent on a party! The kids at the school often don't get to eat much so we thought it would be a lovely idea for them to buy some food and drink and have a little party! So hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have some pictures of this and of the new skipping ropes in action!

Once again, thank you to everyone for your continued support - keep on keeping on!!


Jambo . . . .i thought it would be good to drop a little update for those of you following the lives of those at St Monicah Fountain Academy . . .

Things continue to progress at the school, the children are very pleased with their classroom that is now completed and the repaired floor in baby class . . .

The rains are coming thick and fast. On the down side of this is the fact that they often come as the kids walk home from school meaning they get VERY wet - those that have a way to walk anyway. This is one of the many reasons we are currently looking for a vehicle for the school so the kids don't have to get soaked through. We are desperate to find a vehicle and find the funds for one so please keep that in your prayers and if anyone wants to help out specifically with this cause then please let us know, drop me an email to . . . .

Another prayer request is for a little girl called Clare at the school. She was taken into hospital for the second time this week. We are not entirely sure of the problem but her sister passed away earlier this year with something stomach related i believe. She is not well and please remember her in your prayers.

The kids soon break up for their easter break and they then return on May 2nd.

Cool - i think that is a little bit of an update on all things St Monicah's. Thank you for all that you are doing . . . .


So, exciting times at St Monicah Fountain Academy!

Last week with the help of Ixworth Primary School, we were able to finish putting Iron sheets on the final classroom and put in a couple of windows and a door!

Check out the pictures below to see an 'old' and 'new' photo!!

Not only were we able to complete this but we also were able to do some small repairs in baby class.

Ok so things are ticking along at the school and the rainy season has just begun!

With the help of Ixworth Primary school we are about to replace some of the iron sheets on the classrooms where water is leaking through. We are also going to be able to complete classroom five with their amazing fundraising! This is going to be such a blessing to the kids and we thank Ixworth for their efforts.

Also another exciting event on the St Monicah Fundraising Calendar . . . . from the 18-22nd May, Kim and Fi and running '100 miles in 100 hours'. Just read that back to yourself . . . .thats a long long run!!!!

They are doing this in aid of St Monicah's and Bury St Edmunds Womens Aid Center. So please give you money towards this great cause. We are very excited about this and hope it will bring in some funds for the school.

You can donate online at:

So please, get on that link and start the ball rolling.

I hope to get some pics of the school and all the rain up over the next day or so . . .

Blessings . . .


This small report came through from the school last night, have a little read . . .

St. Monicah fountain acedamy has been a source of inspiration and place of refuge to many children from the slum. They are able to get education which they would otherwise not afford. Parents also are very happy because children get meals and porrige everyday but normally at home they eat one meal. The teachers are also very patient with kids and dedicated to teaching, they are friendly with the children hence helping them build on they confidence. These children can have a
great future. We thank the lord for connecting us with ben who introduced the rest of the guys from the uk who have been very supportive we thank God for you all.

Janet @ St Monicah's

If you would like to sponsor a child, thus giving them a hope for the future. Then for only £5 or £10 a month you can sponsor a child to help them pay their school fees, this means the school can continue to run and help impact the local area.

PLEASE visit

Ben, Josh, and Davy visited St Monicah Fountain Academy in February, to get an update of where the school currently is at and what the next steps should be.

This is a video, documenting their time in Kenya.