Jambo . . . .i thought it would be good to drop a little update for those of you following the lives of those at St Monicah Fountain Academy . . .

Things continue to progress at the school, the children are very pleased with their classroom that is now completed and the repaired floor in baby class . . .

The rains are coming thick and fast. On the down side of this is the fact that they often come as the kids walk home from school meaning they get VERY wet - those that have a way to walk anyway. This is one of the many reasons we are currently looking for a vehicle for the school so the kids don't have to get soaked through. We are desperate to find a vehicle and find the funds for one so please keep that in your prayers and if anyone wants to help out specifically with this cause then please let us know, drop me an email to ben@stmonicahs.co.uk . . . .

Another prayer request is for a little girl called Clare at the school. She was taken into hospital for the second time this week. We are not entirely sure of the problem but her sister passed away earlier this year with something stomach related i believe. She is not well and please remember her in your prayers.

The kids soon break up for their easter break and they then return on May 2nd.

Cool - i think that is a little bit of an update on all things St Monicah's. Thank you for all that you are doing . . . .


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