We decided to get an early start today as we had over 85 miles to ride, so we left Carrbridge Youth Hostel at 7.30am, while it was dull and overcast. An early start for Davy on his birthday !

Inverness was 23 miles away, but fortunately it was a relatively easy 23. Again beautiful countryside, easy roads, shadowing the main A9 mainly. Into Inverness and over the bridge to meet up with Shaun immediately on the other side.

The first group arrived and saw Shaun looking out over the Moray Firth. He quickly pointed out the dolphins swimming just a couple of hundred yards out from us. Plus a seal bobbinng around as well. What an amazing sight.

Past Inverness we continued north eventually into Dingwall, and along the Cromarty. All the time the cloud seemed to be getting lower and lower, with the odd spot of drizzle. It was when we then started over the hills towards Bonar Bridge that the weather got worse. We went higher and higher and quickly lost ourselves in the clouds. At one point the visibility was down to about 20 yards, with rain falling and very difficult conditions, but we all made it through, dropped down on the other side and gradually the day brightened from that point on.

In fact as we went further north the weather got better and better and the sun started to shine through as we got to Lairg. The last 12 miles upto The Crask inn were just breath taking. The scenery had been lovely so far, through lots of glorious rivers and valleys, but once up on to the highland plateau it is just breath taking. Wild open space. Mountains in the back ground. A real wilderness with striking beauty. We pedalled along in silence mainly just in awe of the beauty of this place. The far north of Scotland is just in another league to the rest of the UK, because it is just so different.

Along route today we had great views of curlews, plus sight of red squirrel, Golden Eagle, weasel, grouse and lots more.

We ended our day arriving at the Crask Inn, somewhere in the middle of the highlands, on the A836. Set miles from anywhere else it is just a unique experience. A time capsule from years ago, selling wonderful ale and great traditional food. Being Davy’s birthday, a card and present was presented, happy birthday sung, and an odd pint drunk.

Being, in effect, our last night though, during our meal at the inn, we sat around the table, reminiscing, giving out awards, and just talking about what a wonderful experience it had been thus far. A great bunch of people, a wonderful cause, a terrific experience. Thank you Lord.

John O’Groats tomorrow

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