After a fantastic night at Low Luckens, where everyone seemed to sleep well, and we had had the opportunity to use the washing machine, the fire, and the very soft beds, it was soon time to leave.

We woke though to pouring rain, low cloud and a very dull day. Undeterred, we donned waterproofs and set off. Being in the middle of nowhere meant we had to locate the track going in the northerly direction we needed. Unfortunately, we turned too soon, found our way up a grass track that led to nowhere. Was this really the way to John O’Groats ???

Eventually the road was found and so were the hills. More ups and downs, in rain and low cloud. For some, this was the most difficult morning so far. Cycling in waterproofs that are almost as wet inside as out is not fun. A change of clothes for many at the first stop !

Gradually though as the day unfolded, it got a little brighter, but heavy showers still seemed to appear.

It wasn’t long before the Scottish signs appeared, with much rejoicing from Kenny. Most of the rest of us missed them, but soon enough noticed the midges. Yes, we were in Scotland.

The Scottish borders were beautiful. Lots of wide, fast flowing rivers, full and brown with the soil off the hills. Today it was the turn of the Oyster Catchers to serenade us as we passed through the valleys. A few hard climbs, but compensated for by sweeping downhill runs. Even in the wet they were great.

Bob, Ray and Jon managed to change a tyre on an Audi car, whilst cycling along, and then had the opportunity to change an inner tube on their bikes. Davy too falling to the dreaded puncture. Six between the group so far. Ray, once again, managed to fall off his beast !

Most of the groups managed to stop for coffee and cakes as well. One of Davy’s friends joined us for part of the day and was a welcome addition to the ride.

As we got closer to Edinburgh the uphills all became down hills, and we all sped into the city, and through it, onto a church where we were leaving our bikes for the night, before finding our hostel in the middle of town. After a curry, Davy took most of us to his pride and joy, the Brew Dog pub. One of only about 6 in the UK, we were forced to taste their unique and delightful beer. What a way to finish a day !

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